Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - Tragic but No Fear

Let me start off paying respect to the families and friends that lost loved ones on 9/11/01. It truly was a tragedy and I know I will never forget that day.
I was in Toronto, on my way to work, walking down Yonge street towards the bank I was working for. In the window of an electronics shop, I saw images of the first plane hitting the World Trade Centre. Then my phone started to ring off the hook with friends in disbelief asking me if I had seen what happened. One call also came from work telling me that they were evacuating the financial district so I shouldn't come in. I thought it was kind of strange but I didn't really feel like working that day anyhow. I watched the news almost all day, seeing what seemed like thousands of different angles of the same thing. Why I continued to watch, I do not know.
I do believe however that the last 10 years are an even bigger tragedy than what happened that day and were caused by media and government reactions to that day. I'm actually very proud that our PM at the time stood firm and did not support the War in Iraq. So many resources and lives have been wasted in that war for little positive result. That war has caused economic turmoil around the world for the past 10 years and the only people it has benefited are the rich corporations that lent funds to the cause and manufactured overpriced goods for war purposes. That war has put millions out of work and into poverty, meanwhile large corporations have been posting record profits and gains ever since. Canada's and US's public debt have reached ridiculous amounts and we still are looking at another slump before getting back to the way things were or perhaps even worse is yet to come.
I was disgusted to hear our new Prime Minister make what I believe is a racist and truly cockeyed statement. BTW, have you ever noticed that Harper never makes eye contact with his interviewers or the camera?? He's so creepy! He said this though:

Harper: Islamic Militants Are Canada's Top Security Threat

Is this "man" for real? Where did this "intel" come from? Seems like a cheap racist and underhanded attempt to create fear in Canada that just isn't here. Why? I'm not really sure but quite likely to justify billion dollar loans and contracts for war machines and such.

Canada! Remain calm and don't buy into this hype please. No fear!

Have a great day!

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